List of Publications

  1. Review: The cost of real estate conveyance in the European Union (Journal of Notaries 9/2007, 11th year LIV. year) – Author: dr. Ádám Mikó
  2. The representation of companies under liquidation (Journal of Notaries, 12/2007, 11th year LIV. year) - Author: dr. Ádám Mikó
  3. The future of mortgage credit in the European Union (Journal of Notaries, 12/2008, 12th year LV. year) - Author: dr. Ádám Mikó
  4. The formal validity of written private testaments (Journal of Notaries, 1/2010, 14th LVII. year) - Author: dr. Ádám Mikó
  5. Union for the Chambers: The presentation and analysis of the official operations with regard to the Hungarian Union of Professional Chambers (Notarius Hungaricus, II. year 2nd issue, 2010. March-April) - Author: dr. Ádám Mikó
  6. Study on the national register of the declarations regulated in the Medical Act (Nurse – The official journal of the Medical Care Professional Chamber, 2011. February, 24th year 1st issue) - Authors: dr. Dénes Rádonyi and dr. Ádám Mikó
  7. Notarial deeds in the mirror of jurisdiction (Journal of Notaries, 3/2011, 15th year LVIII. year) - Author: dr. Ádám Mikó
  8. Execution of notarial deeds in the practice of courts (Journal of Notaries, 4/2011, 15th year LVIII. year) - Author: dr. Ádám Mikó
  9. Civil Notaries in the City of Székesfehérvár (Journal of Notaries, 1/2012, 16th year LIX. year) - Author: dr. Ádám Mikó
  10. IT Applications in the Heritage Procedure (Public Administration in Practice, January, 2012, 1st issue) - Author: dr. Ádám Mikó
  11. The deed of a Notary: Legal service without dispute (UINL – XXVI. International Congress of Notaries, Marrakech 2010) - Author: dr. Ádám Mikó
  12. Study and regulation proposal: National register of the declarations regulated in the Medical Act (publication within the framework of the Hungarian Union of Professional Chambers and the Hungarian Medical Chamber) - Authors: dr. Dénes Rádonyi and dr. Ádám Mikó
  13. Royal Notaries of County Fejér and Székesfehérvár, The life and work of the notary, dr. János Kepes (monograph, Publisher: Alba Civitas Historical Foundation, Székesfehérvár, 2011) - Author: dr. Ádám Mikó

  14. Notarial procedures within the civil procedure codification (In Varga István (szerk.): A polgári perrendtartás és a kapcsolódó jogszabályok kommentárja III/III. Budapest, HVG-ORAC Lap- és Könyvkiadó, 2018, 2246-2318.) - Authors: dr. Ádám Mikó and dr. Dénes Rádonyi
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